Joy in Naming: Laurel Sutton interviewed at

logo-catchWordI was lucky enough to be interviewed at the wonderful site for entrepreneurs, I got to chat about naming, social media, what makes Catchword so gosh darn good at what we do, and our latest effort, Go have a look, and if you like what you read, please click the “Votes” box!

Here’s a sample of what’s in store:

MO: What’s the process involved in finding the perfect name for a product or brand? Is the process the same each time?

Laurel: Thirty or forty years ago, it might have been possible to come up with appropriate and available names over a few drinks at the bar. But now, the marketplace is so crowded that it’s very difficult to find names unless you throw a lot of creative power at the project. At Catchword we believe that a successful naming project is the result of a structured process: setting objectives, creating a lot of names (sometimes more than 2000!), rigorous screening, and evaluating names based on their fit and potential as a brand – not just “do you like it?” We follow the same process for every project, big or small.

It’s important to understand that the “perfect name” isn’t one that jumps off the page – because if you fall in love with a name, it usually means you’ve seen it before, which then means it won’t be available for you to use. Your name becomes the “perfect name” after you’ve chosen it and start to build a brand around it. Two weeks later you won’t be able to remember the other candidates!

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