Fast feedback on branding sensitivity

Consumers are increasingly vocal about how brands communicate. Ensure that your new name or tagline won’t work against you in America’s diverse marketplace.

The Cultural Sensitivity Check tests your creative work for relevance and sensitivity across cultures. The impact of racist, derogatory, and insensitive content, even if it was made with the best intentions, hits potential users and customers deeply. The negative attention can go viral and cause brand damage, revenue loss, and public backlash on social media. The Cultural Sensitivity Check gives your team more confidence in a name or tagline by getting feedback from a multi-cultural sensitivity panel.


Get Feedback about:

  • Negative connotations and second meanings
  • Past and present trends
  • “Sound-a-likes” and “same names”
  • Similarity to slang and cultural colloquialisms
  • Existing and associated brands
  • Logos
  • Longer form copy

What You’ll Receive
The deliverable is a report summarizing key points, recommendations on whether to proceed with a name/tagline launch, and verbatims, where appropriate.

You can choose a full-panel check or customize your survey based on your target audience.


About the panel
Get reactions, opinions, and cautions from a multi-cultural group of language experts. Sutton Strategy recruits a diverse panel that bring representation across race, ethnicity, LGTBQIA identity, and geography to the naming process.

To learn more, fill out a request form if you would like more information on pricing based on the specific cultures most relevant to your project.